Lars the stabber (Steven Universe Lost episode)

One day while wachting adults swim I saw a add where it showed a new episode of steven universe where it said new epsidode comeing up I was exicted. The episode started with the tilte called lars the stabber. The episode started with steven going to the donut shop with his dad and going to the counter where lars was he seemed more depressed and anger than usarll. When steven said One kookie cat plz but he said "no you fat boy go eat some grass like the cow you are". Steven's dad sucker punch him causing him to fall on his ass.
Lars woked up in seeing that his close saying "i am a fat shamer" He than said "I swear to god if they ever comeback I will fucking cut their throat". I was shocked that a kids show were allowed to say these things I guess that why it on adult swim. The episode then showed "Next day later" slide and it showed steven going to the shop but lars had a crazyed looked on his face he said " Hey steven want to see a cool trick?" Then steven said "yas" Lars then stabbed him in the belly button then he explode in to a hyper realstic blood fountain. Lars then killed his dad and licked his blood than he said "mmm fat blood tastes so good"
The episode then end with lars killing all the people in the show and killed the crystal gems and he said to me "IF YOU TELL ANYBODY OF THIS I WILL SLIT YOUR THROAT". The network then realsed a message saying "we werer hacked by someone so if they did something bad plz contacted us" I dont know what the fuck happened But all I know is that lars is a fat shamer who should burn in hell.

here a screen shot I took